
Academic Director
Emiliano J. Buis
Holds two majors in Law and Classics, a PhD from the UBA (where he also obtained his Postdoctoral Diploma) and a Master's Degree in Social and Human Sciences from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Former Legal Advisor of the Directorate of International Security and Nuclear Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina, he is currently Associate Professor of Public International Law, International Humanitarian Law and Origins of International Law at the School of Law of the UBA, where he is also the Coordinator of the Research Office and Deputy Director of the Master in International Relations. He is also Associate Professor of Human Rights and Public International Law at the National University of the Center of the Province of Buenos Aires in Azul, where he co-directs the Center for Human Rights. Professor Buis is a Permanent Researcher of the National Council of Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET) —Category I granted by the Ministry of Education— and the Director of the Seminar on Theory and History of International Law (SEMPITHIDIA) at the “Ambrosio L. Gioja” Institute for Legal Research. He is a member of the Committee for the Jean-Pictet Competition on International Humanitarian Law and of the Editorial Board of the International Review of the Red Cross, as well as an Expert Consultant hired by the International Committee of the Red Cross for the updating of the Argentine section (caselaw and practice) of the Study on Customary International Humanitarian Law.

Executive Secretary
Marta Vigevano
Lawyer (University of Buenos Aires School of Law). She has finished posgraduate studies in National Defense (National Defense School of the Ministry of Defense of Argentina) and in Armed Conflicts and International Humanitarian Law (Institute of Space Law, National Air Force of Argentina). Professor of Public International Law and International Humanitarian Law at the University of Buenos Aires School of Law. Professor of International Humanitarian Law at the Master's Programme in International Human Rights Law at the University of La Plata, and at the Master’s Programme in International Relations at the University of Buenos Aires School of Law, where she also is a professor of Introdution to Islamic Law. She has been the Academic Secretary of the National Defense School, the Coordinator of the Master’s Programme in International Relations at the University of Buenos Aires School of Law and professor of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law at the Joint Strategy and Operation Course of the Joint War College of the Argentine Armed Forces. A researcher at the University of Buenos Aires, she is currently the co-director of the “Revista Jurídica de Buenos Aires” and the Director of the Faculty Office at the University of Buenos Aires Law School.

Research Coordinator
Natalia Luterstein
Lawyer (UBA) with a specialization in Public International Law. She holds an LL.M from The London School of Economics and Political Sciences and is a PhD candidate at the UBA, where she is also a professor of Public International Law and International Criminal Law. Since 2014 she works at the Office of the Federal Public Defender and before she has worked as a legal advisor at the Secretariat of Human Rights of the Argentinean Ministry of Justice and Human Rights (2006- 2014) and as an Associate Legal Officer in the Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court (2009).

Academic Coordinator
Marcos Kotlik
Lawyer with a specialization in Public International Law and a Master's degree in International Relations from the UBA, where he is a Lecturer in Public International Law (on academic leave). He also holds an LL.M. from the University of Michigan, where he was a Michigan Law Grotius Fellow and had a Fulbright-Ministry of Education of Argentina scholarship. He was a Judicial Fellow at the the International Court of Justice in 2018-2019. He is currently a PhD in International Law candidate at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Geneva, Switzerland).

Technical Assistance Coordinator
Sabrina Frydman
Lawyer (UBA) with a specialization in Public International Law. She holds an LLM in Human Rights and Civil Liberties from Southwestern Law School, where she was a Fulbright Fellow. She is a human rights educator, and collaborates in projects with civil society organizations. She is also a lecturer in International Law and coaches teams for international competitions on International Humanitarian Law in UBA Law School.

Publications Coordinator
Diana G. Español
Lawyer with a specialization in Public International Law and is a master candidate in International Relations both from the UBA. She is currently the Director of International Relations, the Master Degree in International Human Right Coordinator, and the General Coordinator of the Diploma in Migration and Protection of Refugees and the Diploma in Equality and non Discrimination. She was the Coordinator of the Regional Office of Conference of Justices Ministers for the Ibero-american Region (2013-2015) and was legal adviser in the Argentinean Ministry of Justice and Human Rights Coordination of International Relations (2008-2013).

Coordinator of Edition and Design of the BO-DIH
Dalila Seoane
Criminal lawyer (UBA) with an LL.M. in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights (Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights – Switzerland). Since 2005 she has worked in different investigation units at the National Attorney General’s Office (Argentina). Currently, she collaborates with Civitas Maxima, a Swiss NGO, as investigator of international crimes committed in West Africa. Moreover, she is a lecturer in International Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law (UBA).